
  • Now also for Internet Explorer!

    I never thought I’d manage it to get the site display roughly (in the sense that it looks like it should look that way) the same on every single browser but tadaaa, here it is. Look!

    Okay, so clearly now it’s time to start thinking about a new design again :D

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  • iSync Plugin for SonyEricsson S500i

    Alright, got my new phone today, a shiny black Sony Ericsson S500i which I chose for the looks, the fact that it’s a Sony Ericsson, that it has Bluetooth and as such could sync with my laptop using iSync.

    This device is not supported by iSync

    iSync however didn’t recognize it, because there’s no “plugin” for it yet. Luckily there’s a few companies who sell iSync “plugins” to anyone who needs them at rediculous prices.

    Because, if you delve a bit through the iSync package (the /Applications/ directory), you’ll find plugins for quite some other phones that have been on the market earlier. Since basically the protocols to exchange items don’t change (it’s been standardized by SyncML), the only thing that sets a plugin for one phone apart from that for another phone is the name and a pretty picture.

    So here you have it, an iSync plugin for the SonyEricsson S500i. Create a directory in Library called PhonePlugins if it doesn’t already exist and move the contents of the ZIP file there. Relaunch iSync and you should be able to add the device.

    Please leave a message if you found this page useful! Thank you!

    Double click to add this device...

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  • Back from Dresden

    I’m back from my little Germany Interrail trip to Dresden, stopped over at Düsseldorf to visit family for a few days.

    Dresden turns out to be a great city with lots of stuff to see and to do! Certainly worth another visit, I think. Thank you, Admar for some nice days.


    Panorama of the Zwinger palace

    The beautifully restored (picture of 1991) Frauenkirche

    Statue for the Trümmerfrauen in Dresden

    Altstadt panorama from the Carolabrücke

    Altstadt panorama from the Marienbrücke

    View over the Elbtal (on the UNESCO List of World Heritage in Danger)

    Blaues Wunder panorama to the north

    Blaues Wunder panorama to the south


    More photos at!

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  • Last year today...

    … I was here.

    Has it been one year already.

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  • Mah Jongg Considered Harmful

    From BBC News Web Site:

    A study by doctors in Hong Kong has concluded that epilepsy can be induced
    by the Chinese tile game of mahjong.

    Nota that this is not about the solitaire game, but the one you play with
    four players.


    The game, which is intensely social and sometimes played in crowded mahjong
    parlours, involves the rapid movement of tiles in marathon sessions.

    The doctors conclude that the syndrome affects far more men than women;
    that their average age is 54; and that it can hit sufferers anywhere
    between one to 11 hours into a mahjong game.

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