
  • Gullfoss panorama

    When we were at Gullfoss, the golden waterfall in the river Hvítá (White River), I took a series of photos. They weren’t really intended as a panorama, but I could somewhat stitch them together like I did with the Jökulsárlón panorama.

    It has lots of stitching errors, there’s even a person cut in half. Like last time, there is a somewhat bigger version.

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  • Hyves

    Okee, ik heb toegegeven aan de sociale druk van m’n huisgenoten :P

    Het is gebeurd, Christian hyvet. Natuurlijk puur uit wetenschappelijke interesse met betrekking tot user-interface-miskleunen.

    Even een snelle review van de site: zet Johan stem op Nou, het is een rommelige compositie, chaotische structuur, slecht en onoverzichtelijk spel, dus dat zal wel weer populair worden, maar dat is logiesch.

    Serieus, hoe kan zo’n chaos zó populair worden?

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  • Drawn! I'm going on the study tour

    I got a message that finally the draw for the places in the Kalmar study tour took place and that I was in fact drawn to join them.

    There is a maximum of 24 participants, 27 subscribed, 13 of which are computer science students and the first 12 of them are placed with the 13th put on hold. I was number 6.

    For the remaining 14 mathematics students, case studies will have to be found, but I’m sure they’ll manage.

    In the end it will mean that we probably are going with 27 after all.

    And now? Now we wait for our case study to come available and the excursions and lectures to prepare for the tour.

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  • Visualization finished - Vökvar 1.0.0 released!

    Finally, after two years, I got my grade for the Visualization course today. Not that great, merely a seven, but well, it’s done.

    I decided that Fluids is a boring name, because it is just an English word. So I renamed it Vökvar, which also is just a word, but at least it’s an Icelandic one — intrinsically cooler however — meaning exactly the same.

    Update: I forgot that the usage is not at all trivial :)

    So, here are some keystrokes that do stuff (they’re also mentioned in the report):

    • 1: Switches the “smoke” on and off
    • 2: Switches the speed vectors on and off
    • 3: Switches the streamlines on and off
    • 4: Switches the isolines on and off
    • p: Switches between palette (rainbow, rainbow with 5 discrete colours, grayscales)
    • o: Switches between isolines method (by value, by number, by point)
    • a: Temporarily freeze simulation and animation
    • f: Switches to and from fullscreen view
    • t/T: Changes timestep
    • s/S: Changes scale of vectors and streamlines
    • v/V: Changes viscosity
    • i/I: Changes number of isolines
    • q: Quits Vökvar

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  • Kleinur

    Kleinur (sg. kleina) are a tasty type of Icelandic cookie. They’re deep fried, and have a taste reminiscent of grandmother’s apple pie without the apples. So basically they taste like cookie :-)

    The recipe is pretty simple, take 85 grams of butter and 200 grams of sugar and mix them. Add an egg, baking powder and baker’s ammonia (I tried to get this here, but failed, even in the biological supermarket and at the local bakery, maybe I’ll try again next time I’m in Germany – they tend to have every possible bakery supply at any supermarket), graped zest of a lemon, some cardamom, and 100 ml yoghurt or buttermilk (actually you should use súrmjólk but that’s unavailable outside Iceland). Mix this very well and add up to 700 grams of flour, preferably less until you have a smooth dough.

    Split the dough in a few pieces and flatten them until quite thin, cut 3cm by 6-8cm diamonds, cut a slit diagonally, take one corner and turn it through the slit.

    Put the kleinur in a frying pan at 180 degrees, after 1 to 2 minutes they’re nicely brown coloured. Eat hot with cold milk or cold with coffee.

    During Jólatíð, so around Christmas, they’re served with chocolate icing. Also very nice.

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