
  • Fluids 0.1.0 Equinox

    Well, so much for the practical part of the assignment, this is the version I’ll probably deliver end of this week. Added since the last pre-release are three types of isolines: Based on fixed levels, based on a fixed number of lines, based on fixed points in space. Also, it can do fullscreen, yay!

    So, I hereby release version 0.1 of Fluids and name it Equinox, since that’s exactly what is going to happen tomorrow at 0:07 UTC. The days are becoming longer and longer, and starting tomorrow, they’ll be longer in Iceland than they are here again. Spring’s here!

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  • Fluids, now with isolines!

    And we’re already two weeks later! Today I hacked together isolines in Fluids, based on a paper published in Byte magazine in July 1987.

    So, there it is, for Mac OS X in PowerPC and Intel glory:

    And, another anouncement, over at I set up a Trac page for the Fluids project. There you can get the source and some more information.

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  • Hunting your own food

    Walking dinner… or… hunting your own food. It is a yearly activity at Isis and usually one of the best-attended ones (most probably because there’s food involved). I don’t have exact numbers, but making an wild guess I would say about 35-40 out of the total 100 members were present.

    If you’re not familiar with the concept, a small introduction. Everyone gets three addresses where they’re going to have entry, main dish and dessert, along with what they’re going to make themselves. You get this of course far too late to prepare properly and you don’t really have time to arrange much.

    So, Jacco and I were a “team” so to speak and had our entry course, mustard pea soup with lots of smoked sausage at Rinka’s house at 6pm… Others at the table were Maarten, Erwin, Andre, Juliën, and Marcel.

    Then, at half past seven we rushed home to prepare our main course: cheese fondue. Man, that’s the last time I attempt that at a walking dinner :Ð All was good, it just takes soooo much time to melt the cheese properly. We got Herjan, Lisa, Sibrecht, Floor, Wouter, and Michiel for dinner.

    Barely making the two hours planned for dinner, we arrived a little late at Roel’s, where the Tiramisù was already waiting for Sandra, Mijke, Maresa, and us.

    Afterwards, we met in café Spijker and thus and there the walking dinner 2007 was concluded.

    I would say, it was very successful, we had a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to next year’s walking dinner. Hopefully I won’t have to make the main dish then, it’s fun to do, but also a bit stressy.

    Update: There are photos online.

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  • The skating rink is closed, and so is the season

    While Ireen and Sven are becoming world champions in Calgary, the season in Eindhoven is already over. Wednesday was the last time on the ice for a few months and as a nice last training, we did a 10 kilometers, or 25 rounds.

    I can only say this, there was a lot of pain involved. After about 15 rounds, my back hurt like hell and the only way to get on was to stand up, but then you lose stability, so you have to go down again.

    Then, after 18 rounds, the trainer said something which I understood as ‘only 18 rounds left’… What! But it was a relief then to hear him shout ‘last round!’ after 5 more rounds already :-)

    In the end I did the 10000 meters in 26.00 minutes, with a feeling of satisfaction. The world record of 12.49,88 12.41,69 is set by Sven Kramer, so I’m only about twice as slow as him ;-)

    Last week on Monday and Tuesday by the way was the yearly Isis tournament where I played photographer (see the links).

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  • Fluids: My First OS X Application release

    Hooray! I actually managed today to get my visualization compiled and running under Mac OS X. It wasn’t that hard after all, just finding the right libraries to include.

    GLUTX11 or Aqua?

    glut.h exists in fink as well as in OS X, the former binds to X11, while the latter does the OpenGL directly in Aqua. When I found out about this, it was easy. I now only need Fink for the fast fourier transform library.

    NEXTSTEP Application Bundles

    Then the next challenge came, creating a real application bundle… Again not very hard, it’s just putting files in the right location and relinking the libraries.

    So, now there is one little thing left, Universal Binaryness. But I can live with this result. It needs a pretty icon by the way.

    I fixed some last bits in the streamlines and found a bug that was festering along all the time without really getting noticed. The source is included in the bundle, by the way.

    Last stage, implementing isolines. Then I’ll write a report about it all and then hopefully after more than a year I can finish the Visualization course.

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