
  • Iceland Blog moved off Planet

    Because it was decided that Pluto no longer is a planet, but rather a dwarf planet, I on my part decided to take the Iceland blog off Planet Luon.

    Really? Well… No. The actual reason is that Planet destroys the markup of my (admittedly invalid) RSS feed. Apparantly, the HTML that can be encoded inside the RSS feed, is not just normal HTML, but some other form where the object and iframe tags are illegal. My own feed reader however renders them well, because it is actually a web browser, right? So, why would you disallow those things? I want to do hip new things in my feed! Don’t hold me back!

    So I ask of you, readers subscribed via Planet Luon, add to your readers. The site is now removed from Planet Luon.

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  • Holidays 2006

    Heh, I just read my holiday 2005 planning and apparantly I didn’t do a very good job last year. Most of the projects still aren’t finished :-)

    However, something of a little more importance has come between them since I’ll be going to Iceland in a few days. So, no History of Computing, no Hypermedia, no Linux, no LEDR, no Miriapodo for a while.

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  • Vijf minuutjes IJsland #01

    Goed, in een poging hip te doen zal ik me maar eens overgeven aan het videobloggen. Eens kijken
    of het wat voor mij is. Helaas zit m’n camera vast aan m’n
    computer, dus onderweg filmen zal er nooit echt in zitten. Veel meer dan
    mijn hoofd en af en toe wat foto’s zal er dan dus ook niet te zien

    Mijn excuses voor het enorm lage geluidsniveau, ik kreeg het niet harder
    dan dit. Een draai aan de volumeknop moet het euvel maar even tijdelijk
    oplossen. Volgende keer (mocht die komen) zal ik er beter op letten. Een
    reactie via de website stel ik zeker op prijs!

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  • Changing Apps

    While my stays in Linux (Ubuntu 6.06 currently) still are very brief, mainly checking some things out and then quickly rebooting to OS X.

    All in all you could say I’m very much hooked to OS X, it only has one very big drawback: You have to pay for many pieces of software… Beh, don’t like that ;-)

    However, there are quite a few very good Free Software apps available, libgaim based IM client Adium being one of them. Safari is a nice browser, but some things just work better on a Gecko based browser like Camino and today, I found a freeware newsreader I really like: Shrook. It is not Free yet, but it’s getting closer :-)

    Actually, the reason I wanted to ditch NetNewsWire which I previously used was that it wasn’t a Universal Binary and somehow apps using Rosetta take up all your system resources and make it dead slow to the point that clicking the NNW-icon keeps you waiting for about half a minute before anything at all happens. And it isn’t limited to NNW also, other apps become slow too.

    Shrook has a few interesting features I haven’t seen on other readers. Firstly, there is this thing called Distributed Checking which uses the fact that other Shrook users probably have some channels in common and if one of them has an update of the channel, this fact is submitted to Shrooks server and then pushed through to the other subscribers. So basically it is an implementation of push in a pull technique!

    Secondly it is possible to synchronize your subscriptions with the Shrook server and in this way keep track of them on other machines as well (along with their article’s read and flag status!).

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  • Centraal Beheer doet het weer

    Zit je net lekker een beetje TV te kijken, komt er een nieuwe reclame van Centraal Beheer voorbij. In eerste instantie is het gewoon de al wat oudere reclame van de kroongetuige die een nieuwe identiteit krijgt en vervolgens nationale bekendheid krijgt…

    Nou, we kunnen nu zelf uit het huis ontsnappen zonder gezien te worden in Calucci, the Game. Briljant!

    Voilà, nu doe ik voor de tweede keer mee aan een viral marketing truuk :)

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