
  • Sigur Rós spotting

    Oooooooooh, nicey nice! Spotted in the Hermanus Boexstraat, Eindhoven:

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  • Began Speed Skating

    Long ago (four years to be exact) Breda got its own ice rink and I was determined to go there often and instead of renting skates everytime I decided to buy my own… Well, turned out to be a wrong choice, because I only went two or three times that year, the next year also a few times and then they just laid about in the box. Luckily, good skates don’t rot away, so I can use them now and they still fit (I didn’t really grow that much in the last few years)!

    Two weeks ago Tuesday (that was uhm… the 18th) I attended the open training of E.S.S.V. Isis, the students skate association of Eindhoven (especially students of TU/e and Fontys). I found it so much fun to stand on the irons again since last time that I decided to join Isis almost right away. I attended two more trainings on 25 and 27 October and today was my official first training as a member of Isis!

    So far, I qualify for practicing sport everytime according to the Admar definition:

    Sports is about pain. Physical pain. About suffering.

    I qualify because I managed to fall on all of the three trainings. Somehow, in skating, the place to fall on with your full weight is not only the ice, but it is also on your knee. Another place just is impossible to hurt, except maybe for your thighs when you fall in a very strange way. Oh, and Erben Wennemars showed that you can also hurt your shoulder very badly, but only at very high speeds.

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  • The Physics of Alien Civilizations

    Sebastiaan gave me a link to an interesting
    article by Michio Kaku about the physics of advanced alien

    (PDF in case the link doesn’t
    work) and how far we are of becoming an advanced civilization.

    Kaku asks himself the question “How advanced could they possibly be?” and
    answers it in this article. He divides civilizations in different types:
    Type I, II, and III, which have mastered planetary, stellar and galactic
    forms of energy, respectively. Earth’s society is a Type 0 civilization
    currently and he expects us to reach level I in about 200 years. Read this
    article only if you’re interested in planets!

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  • Visited Graduation 2005 at the Design Academy

    Yesterday, the whole bunch of the flat went to the Design Academy for the yearly Graduation show. Of course, flatmate Esther Ermers who graduated last December was there with her Spinning abc. She created 26 stools out of the letters of the (Dutch) alphabet.

    Esther Ermers, Spinning abc

    There was also a project, of which one part was this (sorry for the very bad quality picture):

    LED it be

    Uhm, OK. If it needs explanation: It is indeed a LED and a switch in a cilindrical case and nothing more.

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  • Sigur Rós in 013

    Yay, I’m going to see them again!


    the 7th of november concert in 013 in tilburg, netherlands has been rescheduled for the 15th of november. tickets remain valid for the altered date and, if required, refunds are available from the point of purchase. the band and its management are sorry for the inconvenience caused by this alteration and worked hard to make sure they could still get to play in tilburg. the reason for this date change is due to the recording of a bbc music television show in london of which we will have more information very soon.

    sigur rós will be appearing as guests on the bbc show “later with jools holland” in a few weeks. the show will be aired on november the 11th on bbc2 but will be recorded a few days prior to this and this is what caused the tilburg concert to be rescheduled. “later..” is one of britain’s most popular and influential music shows, with each show having several guests – some new and up and coming, some more established and some legendary artists. it promises to be an interesting and exciting event. more information as we get it.

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