
  • Status: delivered

    Yes! What no one ever expected (ahum) has happened. Today, extremely early (8:02), a mailman of TNT came to my parents house with a big box and a bag… Looks like I have to go home now, but I have to work a couple of hours first; my last workday, on Monday university is starting again.

    All in all, the G5 made a very interesting route starting from Cork, via Arnhem, Eindhoven, Venray, back to Eindhoven, Rotterdam and only then it was in Breda… It probably was transported from Eindhoven to Rotterdam over the highway A58, which runs directly to Breda. So, once again it was very near its destination… Efficient driving and shortest path can’t be combined or at least not both at their maximum.

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  • Not so bad news after all

    Well, I got an E-mail from Apple soothing me that everything still is ok, but that Venray is actually an Apple depot where they reorder all shippings for further shipment. Strangely enough, I get to see this and even worse, I don’t get any confirmation about what is happening. Others might freak out.

    All in all, my G5 is still underway and probably will be delivered this week. It’s comforting to know the Macs get to see their makers one last time before they are let loose in the big bad world. They’ve tasted it a little bit on the rough flight from China to Ireland, rest there a bit in the comforting arms of their parents only to be sent on another journey that will take them deeper into Europe. There they will get one last meal and patting before they will meet their adoption parents who will embrace them with all their love they can give them…

    Oooooh, Happy Thought!

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  • Bad news?

    Hmm, the TNT Consignment Tracker gives me some second thoughts… Although both the tracking number of the and the web order number match mine, the order was going to Venray… And is now even delivered at someone named ‘V Leuken’!

    <p>I doubt that it is correct… Let’s hear what Apple has to say about that.</p>
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  • Shipment is just 500 meters away!

    At 23:18, the package checked in at the mail warehouse in Eindhoven, just about 500 meters away from my dorm room. Tomorrow, it will go to Breda and then in the evening back to Eindhoven by car…

    It is so close and yet so far away!

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  • Shipment entered the Netherlands

    Today, 8:22, my machine was checked into a TNT Hub in Arnhem. Looks like it going my way in one or two days.

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